Visit this website every week to download the teaching focus for the week on the Joel 2 Lifestyle, and to watch a short video teaching on the week's theme. Materials will be uploaded every Sunday, starting October 2016.
To help keep you on track, sign up to receive weekly email updates when the teaching focuses and video clips are uploaded every week.
Sign up to be discipled in the Joel 2 Lifestyle. In addition to receiving weekly emails, there will be discipleship gatherings once every two months. These gatherings are designed for encouragement and growth in the Joel 2 Lifestyle.
Our final gathering will be:
Saturday, 21 Oct 2017, 10am - 12pm
Discipleship Program
Group sign-up is also available for those who want to sign up with friends or as a church/small group.
We are a group of like-minded believers who are passionate to see the Church in Singapore arise to the fullness of all God has for us and for our nation to live out her destiny in Jesus.
If you have any questions or are experiencing technical difficulties, feel free to email us at
© 2016 The Joel 2 Lifestyle.