WEEKS 1 – 2
What is the Joel 2 Lifestyle? It is living a life of wholehearted love for God that is expressed through a lifestyle of fasting and prayer, and regular gatherings for prayer. The term “Joel 2 lifestyle” is taken from Joel 2:12-17. It is a lifestyle that God insists on for the Body of Christ in times of crises.
Are we living in times of crises? What are the times and seasons we are living in?
Since the turn of the Century, we have witnessed unprecedented crises happening, one after another, as well as natural disasters that are unprecedented in magnitude and in intensity, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or epidemics. Examples are SARS in Singapore in 2003, the Asian Tsunami in 2004, and more recently 10 hurricanes in the Atlantic within a span of two months in 2017, some of which devastated Puerto Rico and flooded Texas and Florida. Not to mention wars, political tensions and rumours of wars.
What is happening in our world today? Why is this happening? What is God saying? Is the world getting better or is it getting worse?
Read on and watch the videos to find out…