WEEKS 29 – 31
Can God use military invasions to judge His people? Can a righteous Judge even use an evil army to release judgment? Will our hearts be offended if He does so?
Indeed, God can do so and there are historical precedents. Just as God raised up the evil Babylonian army in the time of prophet Joel, He will be the one who raises up the evil leader Antichrist, who will lead a powerful army that will invade Israel and shake her to her core.
God is really the One behind all the these. We need to reckon with this truth at our heart level so that we will not be offended.
Even in the midst of all the unprecedented crises that are unfolding before our eyes, we also need to know that He is the sovereign omnipotent King who is merciful and kind, so that our hearts will develop full confidence and trust in His leadership over the earth and over every detail of our lives.