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WEEKS 32 – 35


What is the Day of the LORD? What does the Bible say about the Day of the LORD? Is it good or is it terrible?


The “Day of the LORD” is the primary theme of the Book of Joel. It is a unique time frame when God acts with an unusual manifestation of power for His people and against His enemies, by breaking in to judge and to confront sin openly on a large scale.


There are two dimensions to the Day of the LORD. It is both great and very terrible. Only one kind of people can endure both the unparalleled, powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit and the devastating judgment that will shake the planet – those who receive the gift of righteousness in Christ Jesus and live a life of wholehearted devotion to Him. These are the people who have cultivated and are established in the Joel 2 lifestyle of regular fasting and prayer and gathering in sacred assemblies for prayer.

There is only one way the End-Time Church can endure the Day of the LORD – by cultivating and living out a life of wholeheartedness in God through a lifestyle of fasting and prayer. May we take heed and start doing so now!

Week 32 — Who Can Endure?

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Week 33 — The Great Day of the Lord

Joel 2 Wk 33 Final.png

Week 34 — Understanding God's Role in the Coming Global Crisis

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Week 35 — The Terrible Day of the Lord

Joel 2 Wk 35 Final.png
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