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WEEKS 36 – 40


The world in our time is facing unprecedented and escalating crises in many realms - economic, social, political and moral.

God is using unprecedented crises and natural disasters that are happening to warn His people of greater shakings that are to come. The tribulation at the End of the Age will truly be unbearable for those who are not prepared. But for those of us who are prepared, it will be the most glorious hour. The shakings at the End of the Age will be so intense that there is only one viable solution if we want to stand.

God’s solution is found in the book of Joel, specifically in Joel 2:12 - 17. It is termed the "Joel 2 lifestyle". It is a lifestyle of intimacy with the Lord and wholeheartedness expressed through fasting and prayer, and gathering regularly in sacred assemblies to pray. It is a clear roadmap for the Body of Christ, as this global drama unfolds at the End of the Age.

The Joel 2 lifestyle is what God desires. If this is what God requires, we have to seriously cultivate this lifestyle. May we understand God’s heart in such a time as this. May we cultivate and live out the Joel 2 lifestyle.

Week 36 — The Individual Response God is Looking For

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Week 37 — The Corporate Response that
God is Looking For

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Week 38 — The Reason for the Joel 2 Lifestyle: Wholehearted Love

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Week 39 — God's Mercy and the "Perhaps" of God

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Week 40 — What God is looking for through 2 Chronicles 7:14

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