WEEKS 45 – 48
The great and unprecedented global outpouring of the Holy Spirit is promised in Joel 2:28-32. This prophetic anointing that Joel spoke of was promised in the context of the greatest crisis that will ever be seen in human history – the ultimate Day of the Lord, when God’s judgment is manifested upon the earth in an unprecedented measure.
This global outpouring of the Spirit is clearly related to the requirement of God for wholeheartedness in His people, expressed individually through a lifestyle of fasting and prayer, and corporately through regular gatherings to pray (Joel 2:12-17). It will come only as a result of God’s people coming together regularly to cry out to Him, all over the world.
In the Day that great signs and wonders fill the earth, God will usher in an unprecedented harvest through the greatest prayer movement ever seen in human history, through a Church that is walking in the Joel 2 lifestyle of fasting and prayer.
The vital question is: do we believe that we are the generation that will witness this mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit? If so, what then is our response?