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WEEKS 8 – 11


Every day in the news, we are seeing unprecedented crises and natural disasters. Examples are political crises such as the North Korean and the Iranian nuclear threats, as well as natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes.


In Joel 1:2, Prophet Joel exhorted the nation of Israel to hear what the Lord was saying to them through locust plagues: “Hear this you elders, and give ear all you inhabitants… Has anything like this happened in your days, or even in the days of your fathers?”


Are we hearing what God is saying? The great need of this hour is to hear the voice of God correctly, with clarity and understanding, because what we are facing is unfamiliar and unprecedented.


God is calling us to hear His heart. True hearing requires a response. Are we prepared to radically change the way we live and centre our lives on God and His priorities? This is what the Joel 2 lifestyle is about! It is about living wholeheartedly for God expressed through a lifestyle of fasting, prayer and corporate prayer gatherings.


May we hear the Lord’s heart!

Week 8 — Hear and Take Heed!

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Week 9 — What are we hearing? How are we hearing?

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Week 10 — Be Diligent to Press In for Understanding

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Week 11 — Call for a Corporate Response

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